Source code for greynoise.util

"""Utility functions."""

import logging
import os
import socket

from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser

CONFIG_FILE = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".config", "greynoise", "config"))
LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"api_key": "", "timeout": 60}

[docs]def load_config(): """Load configuration. :returns: Current configuration based on configuration file and environment variables. :rtype: dict """ config_parser = ConfigParser( {key: str(value) for key, value in DEFAULT_CONFIG.items()} ) config_parser.add_section("greynoise") if os.path.isfile(CONFIG_FILE): LOGGER.debug("Parsing configuration file: %s...", CONFIG_FILE) with open(CONFIG_FILE) as config_file: config_parser.readfp(config_file) else: LOGGER.debug("Configuration file not found: %s", CONFIG_FILE) if "GREYNOISE_API_KEY" in os.environ: api_key = os.environ["GREYNOISE_API_KEY"] LOGGER.debug("API key found in environment variable: %s", api_key) # Environment variable takes precedence over configuration file content config_parser.set("greynoise", "api_key", api_key) if "GREYNOISE_TIMEOUT" in os.environ: timeout = os.environ["GREYNOISE_TIMEOUT"] try: int(timeout) except ValueError: LOGGER.error( "GREYNOISE_TIMEOUT environment variable " "cannot be converted to an integer: %r", timeout, ) else: LOGGER.debug("Timeout found in environment variable: %s", timeout) # Environment variable takes precedence over configuration file content config_parser.set("greynoise", "timeout", timeout) return { "api_key": config_parser.get("greynoise", "api_key"), "timeout": config_parser.getint("greynoise", "timeout"), }
[docs]def save_config(config): """Save configuration. :param config: Data to be written to the configuration file. :type config: dict """ config_parser = ConfigParser() config_parser.add_section("greynoise") config_parser.set("greynoise", "api_key", config["api_key"]) config_parser.set("greynoise", "timeout", str(config["timeout"])) config_dir = os.path.dirname(CONFIG_FILE) if not os.path.isdir(config_dir): os.makedirs(config_dir) with open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") as config_file: config_parser.write(config_file)
[docs]def validate_ip(ip_address, strict=True): """Check if the IPv4 address is valid. :param ip_address: IPv4 address value to validate. :type ip_address: str :param strict: Whether to raise exception if validation fails. :type strict: bool :raises ValueError: When validation fails and strict is set to True. """ try: socket.inet_aton(ip_address) return True except socket.error: error_message = "Invalid IP address: {!r}".format(ip_address) LOGGER.warning(error_message) if strict: raise ValueError(error_message) return False